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Diet & Nutrition

Wheat Belly: Lose the Wheat, Lose the Weight

By March 1, 2018April 25th, 2018No Comments

A Guide to the Book by William Davis, MD

Heart specialist Dr. William Davis makes a well-articulated exposition of wheat as the darling food that subtly imprisons your mind, body and thoughts and is responsible for the resilient and unpleasant sagging belly and a host of other health issues.

What does this ZIP Reads Summary Include?

  • A brief synopsis of the original book
  • A detailed overview of each section
  • Breakdown and analysis of the effects of wheat in the diet
  • Editorial Review
  • Background on the original author

Wheat Belly is an elaborate examination of the human diet and its link with human health. Dr. William Davis breaks down the most common ingredient, wheat, and explains how wheat became the staple of our modern diets. The book elaborates how wheat adversely affects human health by highlighting various historical observations, scientific experiments and personal experiences. It concludes by giving the health benefits of divorcing wheat and some recipes. Dr. Davis makes a compelling argument to the reader to consider opting for a wheat-free diet.

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